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RxJS File Uploads (Part 2)

Now with 100% more pipes!

This article was originally published on #dev-a-day.

In Part 1, we built out a basic file upload component using Angular and RxJS. This tutorial will further build on that component, so if you haven't already, go check it out to get up to speed.

Alright, ready to go? Let's get to it.

Animating the Progress Bar

What's a good PWA without a touch of animated flair? If you're using an existing solution for displaying progress then you may already have smooth progress animations baked in. If not, no worries, I threw together a quick CodeSandbox with an example animated progress bar component, feel free to grab that.

Here's what our progress bar looked like previously, with no transition animation:


and here's what it looks like now!


Throttling UI Updates

If you're using the component I linked above, it shouldn't have any problem handling progress updates that occur more frequently than it takes for a single CSS transition animation to take place. However, some more complex components (specifically those using JS to update the UI) will provide choppy feedback if we cut off an animation before its had time to complete. To solve this, we can use RxJS's throttleTime operator. Let's add it to UpdateService like so:

app/services/update.service.ts (partial)
import { tap, throttleTime } from 'rxjs/operators';

upload(file: File, onProgress: (p: number) => void): Promise<any> {


  return this.http
      throttleTime(300),      tap((event: HttpEvent<any>) => {
        if (event.type !== HttpEventType.UploadProgress) return;

        const progress = Math.round(event.loaded * 100 / event.total);

Great! Now our progress updates won't be processed any more than once every 300ms, which should stop any sort of stuttering in the UI.

Resolving to the Server Response

According to the documentation for Observable.toPromise(), it should resolve the Promise with the last value the observable emitted before completing. However, I've infrequently encountered the following error when combining throttleTime() and .toPromise():

message: "no elements in sequence"
name: "EmptyError"

In addition to HttpEventType.UploadProgress events, http.request() will emit a few other events in the following order:

  • 0: HttpEventType.Sent
  • 1: HttpEventType.UploadProgress
  • 2: HttpEventType.ResponseHeader
  • 4: HttpEventType.Response

If the stars align and the final two events come across close to each other (which they often will), .toPromise() will resolve with the ResponseHeader event instead of the actual Response event; this is no good since we need to know the response body. In essence, we only need to throttle the UploadProgress events and then resolve with the Response event. To accomplish this, we'll multicast the request observable through a Subject, which we'll in turn pipe through two different flows:

app/services/update.service.ts (partial)
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';import { throttleTime, filter, map } from 'rxjs/operators';

upload(file: File, onProgress: (p: number) => void): Promise<any> {


  const progress$ = new Subject<HttpEvent<any>>();  this.http.request(req).subscribe(progress$);  // Progress Flow  progress$.pipe(    filter(e => e.type === HttpEventType.UploadProgress),    throttleTime(300),  ).subscribe((event: HttpEvent<any>) => {    const progress = Math.round(event.loaded * 100 / event.total);    onProgress(progress);  });  // Response Flow  return progress$    .pipe(      filter(e => e.type === HttpEventType.Response),      map(e => e.body),    )    .toPromise();}

We multicast all the events from http.request() through progress$, then set up two flows to handle the events. In the Progress Flow, we first filter out non-progress events, then throttle those that come through and pass those that do up to onProgress. In the Response Flow, we filter for the Response event and resolve the Promise with it's body property (that contains the response body).

To get that response in the UI component, just await the Promise like so:

app/components/upload/upload.component.ts (partial)
export class UploadComponent implements OnInit {

  async handleUpload(): Promise<void> {

    const response = await this.uploadService.upload(file, progress => {      this.progress = progress;    });


Congratulations, you made it! You've got a good looking, even better functioning upload component built on a very solid foundation. Use it well.

ramblings by Aaron Ross, otherwise known as superhawk610
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